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Greno Woods
Sheffield, England, S35 8RS
United Kingdom


At Howl we specialise in journeying skills, the Bushcraft we practice and teach is that of the traveler. There is a wonderful simplicity that comes from taking a trip in the outdoors, a pragmatism gleaned from necessity. We draw from this experience in the field to teach a set of skills and knowledge based in expedience and realism, skills that actually get used while outdoors. We provide an insight into the Natural world, opening up a vast array of natural resources and knowledge to help you travel with less reliance on the contents of your rucksack: it’s what you carry in your mind that matters.


 We teach these practical skills in a friendly and open way, our hope being to enable you to make your adventures into the Great Outdoors memorable and enjoyable. We'll help you cultivate a positive attitude, a confidence in yourself, and a connection with the natural world through which you travel.

We promote the utmost respect for the environment, the ability to pass unnoticed through the woods brings with it a deeper understanding of the wilderness, and our part in it. It is this philosophy which forms the very core of our work.

We promote the utmost respect for the environment, the ability to pass unnoticed through the woods brings with it a deeper understanding of the wilderness, and our part in it. It is this philosophy which forms the very core of our work.

My Personal Bushcraft Knives

Howl Bushcraft Blog

My Personal Bushcraft Knives

Jamie Dakota

I shared a post last week on Instagram regarding the use of the Birch Polypore fungus to make a strop for honing knives; given the great feedback an interest I received there seemed to be an interest in the knives I’ve used over the years. So I thought I share a quick run down of my current collection, their virtues and short comings, and my general opinion of them.

Here we go with the knives I still have, not an exhaustive list of every knife I’ve ever owned but these are the ones that I kept….

Well, there you go! What was supposed to be a quick photo burst of my knives has ended up taking my 6 hours to write…. all for the love of it though! I hope you enjoyed reading the article, and hopefully it may give you some insight into the choices available.

All the best